Plots LLC, survive to produce and deliver metals in well, a limited space, in space…

Objective: Deliver 10 metals to Plots LLC. 

You start with a drill, which you can place on the plots to the left. Drills generate metal. Metal can be traded for raw materials at the "market", or combined with raw materials, or metal at the "printer" to create different kinds of plots. You'll need all kinds of plots to produce resources to survive and sustain your base's energy, oxygen and food levels (don't forget to eat!). And once your base is stable, deliver extra metal to Plot LLC for generously providing you with this cushy job and free spaceflight.

WHERE TO GET RAW MATERIALS (at the market computer):

All metals come from the drill
All other raw materials come from the market trade computer. 
You can trade 1 metal for 1 other raw material at the market trade computer (TAB to cycle through your choice)

HOW TO MAKE A NEW PLOT (at the plot printer):

plant plot = 1 metal + 1 seeds
solar plot = 1 metal + 1 solar disk
O2 plot    = 1 metal + 1 liquid O2
drill plot = 1 metal + 1 metal


plant plot = produces food (eat to increase food level)
solar plot = produces energy (increases energy level
O2 plot    = produced O2 tank (insert into O2 distributor to increase O2 level)
drill      = produced metal (use to trade, print, or deliver metal to Plots LLC)


WASD - move
E - action
SPACE - place / replace / remove plot

Plots: drill, farm, O2 pump, solar panel

Raw Materials: solar disk, seeds, liquid O2

Resources: metal, food, O2 tank


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Plots LLC.dmg 66 MB

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